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Bus Crash!

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Bus Crash! Empty Bus Crash!

Post by Digger Thu 20 Mar 2008, 8:31 pm

Following on from Saturdays crash at Church Road , in the press today the Environment Department has stated that smaller buses would be better for our narrow roads! (The penny has finely dropped) i have been saying this since they purchased these dam things.

And even better was the MD of Island coachways said "The buses were purpose-built for Guernsey roads" On which planet is she on ? She also said that the crash was an isolated incident what about all the other ones that are not reported ? Two people i know have had there mirrors riped off their cars by buses. And her standard answer is i will look at the CCTV footage .

Number of posts : 7134
Location : Up yer me la.
Job/hobbies : Motorsport, Photography, Gardening.
Humor : Absolutely !!
Registration date : 2008-03-07

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Bus Crash! Empty Re: Bus Crash!

Post by Andy T Thu 20 Mar 2008, 8:41 pm

What happened here,Digger? Can you tell me more? Can't remember where Church Rd is.
Andy T
Andy T

Number of posts : 2275
Location : Cymru
Job/hobbies : Music,writing songs,playing guitar,going to gigs
Humor : Daft Bugger
Registration date : 2008-03-11


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Bus Crash! Empty Re: Bus Crash!

Post by Digger Thu 20 Mar 2008, 9:00 pm

There was a bus that drove into three or four cars along Church road the cars were parked at church road motors .(the road that goes from the south side of the bridge to grande maison rd ) The owner of the garage said it was lucky that he had no customers looking at cars ! the passengers were shaken but not injured . The driver was suspended.

Here is the link to todays article: http://www.thisisguernsey.com/2008/03/20/%e2%80%98smaller-buses-may-be-better%e2%80%99/

And here is the link to the crash :

Hope this helps Andy.

Number of posts : 7134
Location : Up yer me la.
Job/hobbies : Motorsport, Photography, Gardening.
Humor : Absolutely !!
Registration date : 2008-03-07

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Bus Crash! Empty Re: Bus Crash!

Post by Andy T Thu 20 Mar 2008, 10:18 pm

Thanks digger,remember where church st is now. bad crash!!
Andy T
Andy T

Number of posts : 2275
Location : Cymru
Job/hobbies : Music,writing songs,playing guitar,going to gigs
Humor : Daft Bugger
Registration date : 2008-03-11


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Bus Crash! Empty Re: Bus Crash!

Post by Digger Mon 12 May 2008, 8:01 pm

Bus driver not banned.

A BUS driver who caused thousands of pounds-worth of damage to vehicles in Church Road has not been banned from driving.

Carlos Da Silva, who works for Island Coachways, was fined £200 after pleading guilty to driving without due care and attention when he appeared in the Magistrate’s Court.

Sergeant Geoff Greening said Mr Da Silva was manoeuvring his bus through a narrow gap in the road in heavy rain on 15 March when it clipped the wheel of a car. He lost control and the bus careered into several cars and two motorbikes parked in Church Road Motorcycles & Cars.

‘This was a simple error of judgement,’ assistant-Magistrate Philip Robey told him. ‘I’m not going to impose a driving ban, but it will appear on your record.’

Do you think this is fair ? if that was me or you we would have had at least a month off the roads for due care.

Number of posts : 7134
Location : Up yer me la.
Job/hobbies : Motorsport, Photography, Gardening.
Humor : Absolutely !!
Registration date : 2008-03-07

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