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Master List of Free Online Language Lessons

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Master List of Free Online Language Lessons Empty Master List of Free Online Language Lessons

Post by GD Thu 02 Apr 2009, 2:01 pm

Open Culture has a comprehensive list of totally free resources for anyone looking to learn a language though audio files. Whether you're brushing up your Yiddish or delving into Dutch, you'll find a free feed here.
Organized alphabetically by language, Open Culture's list of free foreign language lessons includes links to each lesson series' iTunes site, podcast RSS feed, or basic web site to get you downloading and e-nun-ci-a-ting immediately. It covers a whole lot of languages you might have no idea there were freely-available tutors for, and the variety of lesson types is intriguing. If straight-up repeat-after-me audio lessons get tiresome, many language areas also have humorous amateurs offering some local color, or the language's mother nation's news, read extra slowly to help with vocabulary and comprehension.

Free Foreign Language Lessons (Download to MP3 Player, iPod or Computer)

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