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Discount card launched by Jersey head injury charity

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Discount card launched by Jersey head injury charity Empty Discount card launched by Jersey head injury charity

Post by GD Fri 07 May 2010, 1:46 pm

Discount card launched by Jersey head injury charity _47796297_-4 It is hoped the discount card will raise money for Headway

A discount card has been launched on Jersey to raise funds for a head injury charity.
Headway Jersey launched the card to raise money for services it provides to more than 100 people with brain injuries on the island.
More than 20 companies have signed up to the scheme which will provide up to 10% discount at restaurants and hotels.
The money raised from the cards, which cost £3 each month, will be used to continue providing island services.
Rehabilitation and support
Beth Gallichan, Headway Jersey fundraiser, said: "We've got about 20 companies who have signed up so in the end people might end up saving money as well as supporting the work we do.
"It has been a difficult year with even just the running costs of the minibus to pick our members up to prevent them from being isolated.
"We're a very developing charity and we try to include the services that are going to benefit the members."
The Headway Jersey centre opens on the island three days a week to provide rehabilitation and support for those suffering from head injuries and their families. (from BBC)

Great Idea is raising funds and giving people something extra...

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