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Microsoft Confirms Oct. 11 Launch of Windows Phone 7

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Microsoft Confirms Oct. 11 Launch of Windows Phone 7 Empty Microsoft Confirms Oct. 11 Launch of Windows Phone 7

Post by GD Mon 04 Oct 2010, 1:06 pm

Microsoft will launch its latest mobile phone operating system, Windows Phone 7, in New York on October 11, according to a posting on its website.

The event invitataion says the operating system will be unveiled next Monday at 3pm in the New York City Microsoft Technology Center.
Windows Phone 7 is an attempt by Microsoft to regain ground in the mobile phone sector. Apple's iPhone, Research In Motion's BlackBerry and Google's Android have all taken market share from Microsoft mobile OSs over the past few years.
Another looming event of interest is a press conference this Thursday evening, Oct. 7, in Taipei. Taiwanese smartphone developer HTC is hosting the event and has been quiet about its content. HTC has been a longtime Microsoft partner, working diligently on the Windows Mobile OS when other smartphone makers eschewed the software. HTC also launched the first-ever smartphone with Google's Android mobile OS on board a few years ago, the G1.
An HTC spokesperson declined to comment on the press event

Should be interesting..

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