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LOWE; Mary May

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LOWE; Mary May Empty LOWE; Mary May

Post by GD Sat 17 Mar 2012, 5:14 pm

Manifesto to follow...

Number of posts : 10122
Location : Channel Islands
Job/hobbies : Website Forums...lol
Humor : Anything that makes me laugh
Registration date : 2008-03-06


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LOWE; Mary May Empty Re: LOWE; Mary May

Post by GD Wed 21 Mar 2012, 12:22 pm

LOWE; Mary May Mary-Lowe-262x300I would like to thank all of the Vale Parishioners who have given me so much support during the last 18 years whilst representing you in the States of Deliberation. I am now facing my 6th election and would ask that you please give consideration to my nomination when you place your vote. It is always impossible to cover in a manifesto all issues in detail or depth, so if you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact me.

I think most of us would agree the main concern for the parish is the Mont Cuet tip filling up so fast. The Public Services Department have the difficult task of trying to stop debris blowing across the common and surrounding areas. Certainly many challenges lay ahead dealing with our waste. Whether its looking after the streams, the hedges or other parochial work, the members of the Douzaine work tirelessly giving of their time free to serve our Parish. They remain the unsung heroes so all Islanders can benefit. The States still under utilise the expertise within the Douzaines who are at the heart of each parish. I would like to see more working together.

Education – The last few months have seen a very unsettling time, not only for the children and young people at our schools, but for their parents, teachers and the community at large. We all want the best education and encouragement for whatever age group. I fully support the new stance adopted by the Education Department, providing that regular monitoring is put in place within the schools and relayed to parents through improved communications, including publishing all results.

Unemployment – The statistics produced by Social Security Department at the end of February show 615 people unemployed, whereas 5 years ago the total was just over 100. A considerable increase in a short period of time. All businesses, large or small need to play their part, with training schemes if necessary, to help reduce the number of unemployed. The vast majority who are unemployed longer than 3 months are aged 29+. The States continue to implement training schemes and various projects to assist those unemployed and some of the 615 are on such schemes. We all need to play our part to find ways of helping people back to work.




Number of posts : 10122
Location : Channel Islands
Job/hobbies : Website Forums...lol
Humor : Anything that makes me laugh
Registration date : 2008-03-06


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