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WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet

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WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet Empty WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet

Post by GD Sat 17 Mar 2012, 5:17 pm

Manifesto to follow...

Number of posts : 10122
Location : Channel Islands
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Registration date : 2008-03-06


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WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet Empty Re: WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet

Post by GD Sat 17 Mar 2012, 6:35 pm

WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet Tony-Webber-225x300Former Conseiller and Deputy to stand for re-election:

Tony Webber, the last politician elected on an Island wide basis as a Conseiller, and who together with his Deputy experience, was a States Member for thirteen years between 1991 – 2004, is standing for election in the Vale District.

He used to live in the Vale when he returned to Guernsey after working in the UK. He first stood for election in the Vale in 1982, when he missed becoming elected by just 56 votes, when former Deputy Peter Roffey was first elected.

Tony was elected to the States on his third attempt, when he stood in the March 1991 election as a St. Peter Port Deputy, and was subsequently re-elected consistently up until 2004, always polling high numbers of votes.

He fought the last Conseiller Election in April 1998 and won convincingly with over 52% of the votes, on a campaign to keep Island wide elected politicians. He received an award from the Status Quo Group for his work to defend democracy in Guernsey.

Tony is a consistent advocate of open responsible government and was instrumental in bringing in the Scrutiny committees in the new system of government. He passionately believes in Island People’s meeting and organised them throughout his period of office. He made a valued contribution to many of the more sensible decisions of the States over recent years.

He has had many years business experience, was the founding Manager of Allied Dunbar in Guernsey and is a member of a number of professional bodies, including the Institute of Directors, the Chamber of Commerce and the Insurance Institute. He is a former Vice President of the Hockey Club and the Sports Council, and was the Guernsey Press Hockey correspondent for some years. He was the founding Chairman of the successful Hope for Guernsey Charity for a three year period. He was also on the Committee which saved St. James. He is also an active supporter of the theatre and the arts.

He believes it is important for the States to have Members like him who understand what it is like to go through business and family turmoil. As a practicing Christian he believes it is important to be humble and to be prepared to admit to making mistakes in life.

Tony is a Guernseyman educated at Elizabeth College, is a graduate of politics and government, is professionally qualified, and runs his own business consultancy. He has worked in various parts of the UK as well as Guernsey.

He had 100%attendance record throughout his period in the States and believes he has a proven record of conscientious, committed and responsible political experience which is very important to take the Island forward into the future.

He served on a number of States Committees, including Income Tax, which he was on for six years, when there was greater confidence and certainty in the financial management of the Island, than there is now.

Tony has six children and two grandchildren.

For further information, please contact

07781 166349

Number of posts : 10122
Location : Channel Islands
Job/hobbies : Website Forums...lol
Humor : Anything that makes me laugh
Registration date : 2008-03-06


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WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet Empty Re: WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet

Post by kat Sun 18 Mar 2012, 9:44 am

No no no

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WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet Empty Re: WEBBER; Anthony David Canivet

Post by GD Tue 17 Apr 2012, 5:15 pm

Fellow Elector,
I was privileged to be elected to serve the people of our Island from 1991 to 2004, both
as a People’s Deputy and as one of the last Island wide Conseillers. My contribution to
elected political service to our Island was impeccable, with commitment and dedication.
My attendance at States Meetings and Committee meetings was close to 100% over a
thirteen year period, which is a standard difficult to match. I believe that if you are elected
to serve the People, you do exactly that.
Having a period outside of political office has enabled me to re-connect with how people
at the grass roots feel about what is really important to them. It is so easy if you are a
politician for too long to become too remote and distant from the people’s wishes.
I have remained actively involved in a broad range of Island community and political
matters and continue to speak out in our local media on the important issues of the day.
I am refreshed and ready to play my part in the safeguarding of the best interests of our
Island and its people.
Why I will make a good politician to represent you
I am passionate about our Island, our people and ensuring we have a viable and successful future for our children and grandchildren. I know
exactly what is involved with being a States Member and how to balance States and work commitments. I work for myself, and am able to
make my States responsibilities my priority. It is exceptionally important to be able to do this, and this I have done successfully in the past. The
key criteria really is to have the skills to be an effective politician. I have always kept an open mind, am very thorough and analytical with how I
investigate and research issues, and always listened, and thus always been able to reach well informed opinions. I have proven ability to take
responsibility for the important decisions which have to be made. The role of representing and governing in the best interests of the people is a
most valuable and worthy one where I have proven my credentials.
Why I will very effectively represent the Vale
I narrowly missed becoming elected to represent the Vale when I returned to the Island and lived in the Vale. I then went on to be elected as a
St. Peter Port Deputy. I then was overwhelmingly elected by the people of the Vale when I became an Island wide Conseiller. I have returned to
live in the Vale and believe that Vale Electors in particular recognize the need for strong capable politicians who are not afraid of standing up for
their interests. I have a family affinity with the Vale and it is a special Parish with its own issues, which I will pay particular attention to.
I will attend Parish surgeries, and will also take part in meetings to discuss and explain what is in the monthly Billet for debate in our States.
Indeed I organised Island People’s meetings throughout my times as a States Member, so my track record on accountability and listening
speaks for itself. I am a very approachable person who is always happy to take up issues on behalf of individuals. Again, my previous
performance in this respect led to me being described as a true People’s Deputy. With me, there is no taking of risks, as my dedication and
experience in these areas is well proven.
My business and community involvement makes me a better representative
I am a Guernseyman, educated at Elizabeth College, with a degree and professional qualifications. I have many years’ broad business
financial experience, in both Guernsey and England. I set up the Allied Dunbar financial services operation in Guernsey which was one of the
most successful in the British Isles. I have worked for well- known companies such as Rothschilds, Providence Capital, Mars, Guinness,
Proctor and Gamble and Phillips and Drew. I also have experience of being self- employed and run my own business consultancy.
Unlike most politicians, I also know what it is like to be made redundant and to be seeking work, in both the UK and here.
I have a great deal of charitable experience and was asked to be the founding Chairman of Hope for Guernsey for a very successful 3 year
period. I am a member of a number of professional bodies, including the Institute of Directors, the Chartered Insurance Institute,and the
Chamber of Commerce. I have represented the Island at sport and was a past vice president of the Guernsey Sports Council and the Hockey
Club. I was also, for some years, the official Hockey correspondent for the Guernsey Press. I was a member of the original Friends of St James
Committee. I am a supporter of theatre and the arts. I am also a member of La Societe Guernesiaise and the National Trust. I was Chairman of
the former Guernsey Environmental Council, the co-ordinating body for Island environmental organisations. I have campaigned on many past
and present issues and continue to do so. I have attended numerous meetings on a vast range of issues over the last few years, many more
than most States Members. I believe it is a States Member’s duty to be informed and in touch with all political and social issues which
concern our Island. I consistently support what is best about the Island. I am not someone who just crops up at election time. I have never
been into personality politics and I have a proven record of working with a variety of States Members on different issues to achieve what is in
the best interests of our Island.
I am a practicing Christian
I also believe it is important for the States to have members like me, who understand what it is like to go through family and business turmoil.
As a practicing Christian, I believe that it is important to be humble and to be prepared to admit to making mistakes in life, and importantly, to
learn from them. I also believe in humility, compassion, tolerance, and in being your servant as your elected representative of the people.
All this, together with my experience in our Government, serving on key Committees, will be invaluable in serving the best interests of our
Island. Now is the time for experience and proven dedicated service.
Like many members of the public, I have been pleased with the successes of our States, but totally disillusioned with the failures. It is time to
end them: The Waste Strategy debate fiasco, the over spends, the lack of attention to detail, the poor accountability, the failure to deliver on
key areas of policy, the cutting of essential services without thought for the consequences, are just some of the many areas of concern. They
show the need to have fresh thinking in our States.
We must end the feeling that the States has deaf ears to the concerns of the people of our Island. I am committed to bringing about a listening
States. I believe in the States engaging with the public, so that we have policies which are seen to work and have value for all of us in the future.
During my time in the States I fought hard for the formation of the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committees, which are now starting to work
very effectively and can do so much more in the future. Where they are lacking is not Scrutinising the work of each States Department, as is
done in other jurisdictions. Here is an area where investment in additional resources will potentially save millions of pounds. My proven
experience in saving taxpayers money has been demonstrated on many occasions.
There are also many areas of improvement which have come about as a result of my efforts in the States. I am well known for scrutinising
legislation and asking probing questions.
It is time for change. Time for improvement. Time for politicians to respect the community. Time for the Island and its people to be put first.
Time for a democratic government which is strong, stable, sensible and representative.
I am committed to constantly look at ways of improving how our Island is governed, how we elect our representatives, the power they have,
and the numbers of States Members. We should also have the States Human Resources Department evaluate the role and responsibilities of
States Members. There are clearly many States Members who are not used fully when decisions they should be making are given to nonelected
quangos and Civil Servants. They could be fulfilling Scrutiny and other effective means of improving government efficiency.
Corporate Governance and Government Social Values
In the UK The Public Services (Social Value) Act has become law. It asks public bodies to consider how they might use public service
contracts to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of their communities. I would like to see the principles of this taken up
in Guernsey because it means our States Departments will have to examine local economic benefits when awarding contracts and also this
would help local charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. This also means that our States can improve how it provides for and
partners with local Sports, Culture and Leisure organisations, and that there is improved support for the Arts and Sports Commissions.
In 2003, I proposed an amendment which the States passed overwhelmingly, to bring in the legal mechanism so the voters of Guernsey would
have the legitimate right to vote in a Referenda on important issues. This is a right Jersey, the UK and most civilized parts of the world enjoy.
The States Policy Council have not proceeded with this, with the appalling result that we still do not have this basic democratic right. Nine
years of waiting is unacceptable. As a States Member I would ensure that this received immediate prioritisation.
In the UK, The Localism Bill is going through Parliament. This fundamentally establishes a “community right to challenge”. Many of the
principles of empowering people more in their communities merit being taken up here. For example, there is the power to trigger
referendums on any local issue, which Parish and our States authorities would need to consider before making decisions.
Freedom of Information Act needed
The States fudged bringing in a Freedom of Information Act. This is what is needed in our Bailiwick if we are to be a free society where the
Government, its public servants and the politicians have their decisions open to scrutiny and accountability. Transparency is vital to good, open
and democratic government.
I was the last politician to be voted in by the people of Guernsey and Alderney as a Bailiwick Conseiller. I fought and won a by- election on the
issue of retaining Island wide voting and the public overwhelmingly backed me against my opponent, who was against it. This was the closest
we have ever had to an opinion poll on the subject. The States recently rejected Island- wide representation, which was a betrayal of many
Deputies’ assurances given at the last election. As a States Member I will be totally committed to bringing in Island wide voting so that electors
can choose all of their States Members, and not just some of them.
After this election, our new Government will need strong, capable and flexible people who can provide clear, and democratically accountable
leadership, to provide the best future for our Island and our people. It is a vital time to have experienced, astute and positive people with
leadership qualities, who can capably represent our community interests at Channel Island, National and International levels.
Our representation overseas needs to be reviewed so that it is not the task of solely the Chief Minister, and off Island trips need to be
necessary and of real benefit to us.
I was a Member of the Income Tax Authority for 6 years until 2004. We now have entered a period of relative instability and it is important to
have a safe pair of hands at the tiller. The politicians seem to have become remote from the fact that many people are finding it more
difficult to manage financially. There have been many rises in costs of essential items and the perception is that those taking the pain are
those at the lower end of the scale and not those higher up, particularly those in authority. We must end the them and us situation which our
current States has got us into. I commit to economic policies which take into account the interests of all in our community, and not just those
who are better off. I regularly attend business and financial meetings and receive greatly informed feedback from a number of key financial and
business firms. I have been analysing the reports of how the UK budget will affect us and our economy. It is imperative to have States
Members who are intelligent and on the ball and can react to UK and world affairs, so that our economy’s future is safeguarded. I offer a safe,
sound and secure economic policy.
I have grave misgivings about the States Financial Transformation Policy, which so far has only succeeded in saving money by cutting
needed services. I totally disapprove of having a policy which rewards consultants and Civil Servants for simply saving money without any
reference to the public and any real benefit to what they are doing. I believe all States Departments should strive to make more effective
use of public funds, but should do so in a more responsible and accountable way.
I disapproved of bringing in the zero-ten tax strategy a year earlier than we needed to and this mistake cost us approximately £100 million in
corporate tax revenue. The management of our economy is extremely important and having the right economic and tax policy is fundamental to
our future. I have proven experience of being at the front end of informed taxation and economic policy making and such experience is
so vital in the uncertain future we have ahead of us.. I believe in a straightforward system of collecting tax revenue and disapprove of the
increasing tendency towards indirect charges, which is nothing more than taxation by stealth.
The States has a “Zero Growth” policy although there has been a marginal increase since the policy was adopted in 2007. The States will need
Deputies of ingenuity who can succeed in the population challenge: That is to find ways of maintaining and enhancing our economy whilst at
the same time keeping control of the population, and recognising that there is currently a ratio of 48 people who are not working to every 100
who are working. Years ago I put forward the idea of having Residents and Work permits to replace the Housing Control Law, which is not
working effectively, and it is likely this will come about if the new States approves the changes. I commit to doing my very best to ensure the
Local and Open Markets continue to benefit our community as effectively as possible.
We need better co-operation with Jersey to make financial savings
Co- operation with Jersey and other similar jurisdictions
Like many, I have enjoyed inter- insular rivalry in the sports, cultural and other arenas. However, on economic and political matters, we do need
much more co-operation to safeguard our economic interests. I am used to Guernsey- Jersey co-operation, having worked for a financial
services company with offices in both Islands, and also having been a Director of the Channel Islands Co-operative Society. I believe that there
are potentially major savings to be made by the joint administration of some of our services. I first put these views forward in 2003, and since
then we have had joint co-operation in the police, health, regulation and Civil Aviation fields, I am committed to more joint financial cost savings
initiatives, whilst still protecting Guernsey’s independence.
Improved air and sea links
It is also time for action to be taken to improve air and sea links, which are our lifeline, and bring about reduction in fares, using all influence
possible, including our ownership of Aurigny airlines.
Value for money public utilities and Commercialisation
We have to ensure that our public utilities offer excellent service to their customers at the best possible value. I believe that in an Island that
occasionally suffers from delays in receiving overseas post reaching us, that it is very premature to end Saturday postal deliveries. It is
interesting that only three Members of our States voted against this happening .As a former Member of the States Telecoms Board, I also
worked hard to ensure the customers interests were allied to the communications need of our Bailiwick. I was totally opposed to the sale of this
public asset at such a knock down price. We also need to ensure that the high cost of Utility regulation gives back value to the community
and works in the public interest, which has not always been the case. There should be much more sensible sharing and sighting of telephone
masks, to alleviate any health risks and impact on the environment. The Commerce and Employment Department need to continue to review
these areas to ensure that regulation serves the public interest. I commit also to ensuring that any further Commercialisation proposals are
treated with the greatest of caution, that they are not pursued purely to give senior staff and Directors massive pay hikes, that the consumer
always comes first, and there is no further privatisation.
Government business plan and project prioritisation
We must ensure that the The States Strategic Plan is properly co-ordinated and run so that we have effective economic management. It is
time for priorities to be clearly costed and defined, and for policy to be fully accountable, rather than be delegated to policy groups, consultants
and quangos. Sound financial management is vital to ensure we safeguard our essential projects and that they are within budget.
A united Guernsey community and equality
I have worked hard against divisive trends in our society, and believe that with the right leadership we can move forward as a united Guernsey
with more fairness, equality and prosperity for all. It is time for more work on these issues, and also to obtain better facilities and treatment for
those who are disadvantaged or disabled. I am a supporter of the Guernsey Disability Alliance.
Better childcare needed
It is also time, to have effective financing of childcare, to enable more parents to more easily have the choice of returning to work after
having children. Children are our future and it is important to place proper recognition on the important role families and parents play in their
upbringing and development. Therefore, in a society of increased divorce and separation, the rights of children to have time with both their
parents need to be more fully recognised in law, as numerous studies have shown that children need input from both their parents to have a
balanced development. Equal parenting needs to become the norm, as it already it is in many civilised countries.
Putting People First, Caring and the Elderly
My record shows that I am interested in the welfare of all people and endeavor to help those who are genuinely poor and neglected. We need a
new approach to how we deal with Social Security Department matters. It was appalling that the States only recently turned their back on the
issue of poverty and related issues in our Island when the SSD asked for their backing for improvement. A large proportion of our population
live in relative poverty, and this is a change in our society that we need to address. The SSD also need to improve how they work with
employers and the jobless to ensure that as many people as possible are found suitable employment.
It is time for more to be done to ensure the long term needs of the elderly are provided for, particularly those with debilitating illnesses. We are
ahead of the UK in this area, but there has to be greater recognition that there is a demographic time bomb and we must plan accordingly. The
Health and Social Services Department is improving its policies in enabling more elderly people to stay in their homes with the help of their
families and States home care teams, and we must always strive to give the best possible care to our elderly. However, I am well aware with
my own family experience that there are no respite care provisions for carers, and there are many other areas of policy improvement needed.
In the UK the government has launched Putting People First consortium- Think Local, Act Personal, which embodies the vision for social
care and putting people first. These are initiatives which are well worth us taking up in our community. One excellent local initiative is the
recently re-launched www.volunteer.gg website, which greatly assists local charities in numerous ways, including obtaining volunteers. This is
just one step in a very positive direction, and much more needs to be done. The support of local voluntary and charitable organisations by the
Guernsey Community Foundation is another excellent example. Our States needs to be more pro-active in partnering putting people first
We have an excellent Health Service, which like the UK, rightly is a priority. I am very proud of my previous contribution to bringing about what
we have today. However, there are areas for improvement, and unlike the UK, we do not have the choice of government funded funded Doctors
and Dentists appointments, as we do with the Medical Specialists Group contract. The cost of this is difficult for many in our community,
meaning that their health suffers. I will also ensure that we re-introduce the reciprocal health agreement with the UK without any further
Education is important
As a parent and grandparent, I am aware of the different and demanding needs of young people. Education at all levels is an investment for the
future, and although we have many good points about our education provision, The Mulkerrin Report recognized practices at the Education
Department which needed to be changed. I am a great believer in improving education for all ages, in all areas, at all levels. I am well educated
myself and am able to make a positive contribution to the development of education in our Island.
It is also time to bring about the well overdue universal provision of nursery education, where we are behind other civilised jurisdictions.
Housing crisis and need for improvements in Planning
I support the Corporate Housing programme to provide more social housing. I believe much more needs to be done to improve the housing
needs of our community. The partial ownership/shared equity scheme needs to be taken further forward. We should look at echoing the
Newbuy scheme launched by the UK government, which offers prospective owners newly-built homes with 95% mortgages, underwritten by
house builders and the government. We also should encourage more self- build and other initiatives.We currently have a housing crisis. I
commit to doing everything possible to enable more homes to be available to rent and buy at affordable prices and good standards. I was the
Manager of a financial services company which provided hundreds of mortgages locally over a ten year period, so I do have expertise to offer
in this area.
We currently have planning policies which in some areas defy common sense and deny minor changes of use which would benefit
individuals and the areas in which they live. I support changes in Planning legislation which can bring in sensible and environmentally friendly
adjustments, so that more flexible and housing enhancements can take place. This particularly applies to being able to utilise redundant vinery
sites for light industry, storage, limited housing and other economic use.
Law and Order
I have always fought to protect and enhance the Island to make it a better place to live, work, shop and visit. It is time for safety and security.
Time to protect our citizens from mindless vandalism, arson, violence and other criminal acts. Time to put more resources into resolving the
drug problem to protect our society. Time to give full support to those combating child abuse so that this dreadful blight is eradicated.
Support for the Environment, Improved Traffic and Parking
I was involved with these matters long before I became a States Member and many issues such as a proper Waste Strategy have taken too
long to come about. I very much support a Waste Policy which is made up of prevention, re-use and re-cycling. But this came about as a
result of a lot of hard work and effort by people such including me. I commit to ensuring that shipping of waste off the Island is done as cost
effectively as possible. In respect of our Wastewater treatment, the Metoc survey in 2011 stated that planned upgrades would be
environmentally acceptable. However, I believe that full sewage treatment is well overdue and we should not be pumping sewage waste out
to sea. The current situation does damage to the reputation of our Island. I support grants for energy efficient installations in homes and offices.
I believe that charge Free parking is one of the unique aspects of our Island. We Donkeys are more likely to respond to the carrot rather than
the stick! The Residents Parking permits were my idea when I was on the Traffic Committee. I have put forward my own proposals to
improve the problems commuters have in finding parking spaces in town. I also will continue to campaign for bringing in a proper commuter
bus service and to improve the school bus service so that it is open to all children. There is too much peak time car traffic by parents driving
their children to school because there isn’t an effective alternative. I commit myself to making these things happen. I am pleased that the new
bus company operator is maintaining the current level of routes and fares, but I will press for major enhancements in the services, which they
will be likely to be open to, as they are a not for profit organisation. I am well known for my knowledge of public transport, having been
Chairman of two successive bodies advocating better bus services.
Working hard for YOU, With Wisdom and Integrity
I have many years proven record of working hard for the electorate in a conscientious committed and responsible manner. I can be relied
on, now and in the future, very important when you consider the major issues which are ahead of us. My record speaks for itself, which I have
previously referred to. I am not afraid to speak out on important issues. I believe the community needs to be respected by its politicians. I
believe that a States Member has a duty to listen and act on what the people say, and this will help bring new confidence in our government
and a positive partnership between the States and our Island community.
I am trying to call on as many electors as possible. If you need to speak to me on any issue, please feel free to contact me at any time. Polling
stations are the Vale Douzaine Room, Rue Maraitaine and the Island Scout Headquarters, Rue Mainguy. You can vote between 10a.m and 8p.m.
Now is the time for enthusiasm, dedication and commitment, all of which I am able to offer. Now is the time to change for a positive, clear and
constructive future.
Now is the time to make change happen!
Please do me the honour of giving me one of your seven votes and electing me as one of your Vale Deputies on polling
day which is Wednesday 18th April 2012
Yours sincerely,
Anthony D C Webber, BA, Cert.PFS, MIoD
Varillon Cottage, La Ville Baudu, Vale, Guernsey, GY3 5AB
07781 166349 email: votetonywebber2012@cwgsy.net website: votetonywebber2012.blogspot.com

Number of posts : 10122
Location : Channel Islands
Job/hobbies : Website Forums...lol
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Registration date : 2008-03-06


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