DUDLEY-OWEN; Gloria Pearl
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Re: DUDLEY-OWEN; Gloria Pearl
Safeguarding our environment and culture is important to me. I am a Guernsey woman with experience in retail and tourism. I am a Douzenier and sitting Deputy. Our safe island has recognisable values and culture, but our wealth is spread unevenly.
I have lived in Africa and the Far East. My interest in world affairs helps me view Guernsey from a local and international perspective.
POPULATION – Guernsey is a densely populated island. The effects on our society are a dilution of our culture and stress on our infrastructure. I support keeping the population at its current level and balancing the future needs of our young people and aging population.
ENVIRONMENT - The recently passed Energy Resource Plan will educate people to use less fuel, use public transport, and steer the island towards the generation of energy from renewable sources, simultaneously reducing our carbon emissions. The new Waste Strategy is based on common sense that we need to do more with less and reduce waste and pollution.
I have been part of the waste debate for a decade both as a member of the public and a deputy. I campaigned against a large incinerator and organised a popular meeting to gather people’s views. Increasing our recycling rate, introducing kerbside collection, raising awareness of commercial and household waste prevention will reduce waste at Mont Cuet and increase the value of our waste as a resource. I believe the waste strategy will create jobs and I want to continue working to implement the strategy.
ECONOMY – Government must work to cut costs and balance our economy by an equitable tax system and reform of Zero -10 tax.
The cost of living is high, and people are struggling.
Reforming our social benefits will make our society fairer. Building affordable shared equity, quality homes, and extra- care housing enabling older people to live independently and enjoy good health care will mitigate the effects of demographic change.
Good education is essential to inspire our children to achieve and contribute to our economy. I support nursery/pre schools, after school clubs, decentralisation of funds, increased apprenticeships, rebuilding of La Mare de Carteret school. Our young people need the skills to compete for work now and in the future.
I research, question, and engage on your behalf.
My experience gained will carry through many of these policies.
I ask for your vote for my re-election as a Deputy.
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