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Queens Honours for Islanders

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Queens Honours for Islanders Empty Queens Honours for Islanders

Post by GD Sat 12 Jun 2010, 5:43 pm

Queens Honours for Islanders 0983781_175

Jurat Derek Le Page has been awarded an OBE. (Picture by Tom Tardif, 0983781)

RETIRED jurat Derek Le Page has been awarded an OBE for his services to the administration of justice in Guernsey. Music enthusiast Richard de la Rue has been awarded an MBE and Richard Heume’s dedication to the history of the Occupation has been recognised with an MBE.

Jurat Le Page became a jurat in April 1995 and retired in December 2009.
During that time he has seen a wealth of different cases, many of which were related to drug importations, and three murder trials.
Jurat Le Page said he was delighted with the honour and said he had found it difficult not to tell anyone beforehand, although he did tell his wife and children before the official announcement today. (from thisisguernsey)

Queens Honours for Islanders 00980672_Cropped1

Ursula Dingle.

TWO Islanders have been made MBEs in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list – one for working with children and another for supporting disabled people.
Denise Carroll (46) is a founding member of Milli’s Child Contact Centre, a service where children of divorced or separated parents can spend time with family members they may not see.
She has devoted the last ten years to running the centre and has recently returned to the helm after battling breast cancer last year.
Ursula Dingle (formerly Emmanuel) helped set up the Jersey Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in 1968, shortly after her daughter Cheryl was born with spina bifida. (from thsisisjersey)


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Queens Honours for Islanders Empty Re: Queens Honours for Islanders

Post by kat Sat 12 Jun 2010, 8:01 pm

Well done to all .very worthy winners ..nice to see our channels islands having these rewards as there are certainly some hard working folks out there

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Registration date : 2008-03-11

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