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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Tim Drake
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kiwis kitten
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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Thu 01 Jan 2009, 8:26 pm

Banned in Jersey now, so will Guernsey follow suit?


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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by kiwis kitten Thu 01 Jan 2009, 8:28 pm

I sooo hope so !!

kiwis kitten

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by technophobe Sun 04 Jan 2009, 2:54 pm

Would those who advocate a ban extend it too all legal highs? I am thinking of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine etc etc


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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by kiwis kitten Sun 04 Jan 2009, 4:11 pm

nicotine i would....:)

kiwis kitten

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Sun 04 Jan 2009, 5:31 pm

Agree with KK, ban nicotine.


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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Tim Drake Mon 05 Jan 2009, 9:36 pm

technophobe wrote:Would those who advocate a ban extend it too all legal highs? I am thinking of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine etc etc

Of course they would not! They like to drink, so that makes it ok. Here is a news flash for the naive, banning something does not stop people using it. As for spice, I tried it once. Never again, I had a really bad hangover the next day. A ban is not needed, people taking responsibility for their actions would suffice.

I personally think much more damage is done by the misuse of booze. Should we ban that, no. Don't be silly people.
Tim Drake
Tim Drake

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by kiwis kitten Mon 05 Jan 2009, 10:18 pm

Mr Drake.....We are not naive for wanting it banned......

We know ppl will still do it :roll:

But IMO ....and many others... it should still be banned....

I know the damage it can do to many youngsters ...i know parents whose young children have taken this stuff... jeez isnt alcohol and smoking bad enough for anyones health without making drugs like these available....

Sorry.....just my views !!!!!!

oh and by the way....u try arguing with any mother/father whose teenage daughter/son has taken this stuff and has ended up in A&E...U would most likely get a punch on the nose.....
kiwis kitten
kiwis kitten

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by technophobe Tue 06 Jan 2009, 8:12 am

kiwis kitten wrote:Mr Drake.....We are not naive for wanting it banned......

We know ppl will still do it :roll:

But IMO ....and many others... it should still be banned....

I know the damage it can do to many youngsters ...i know parents whose young children have taken this stuff... jeez isnt alcohol and smoking bad enough for anyones health without making drugs like these available....

Sorry.....just my views !!!!!!

oh and by the way....u try arguing with any mother/father whose teenage daughter/son has taken this stuff and has ended up in A&E...U would most likely get a punch on the nose.....

Both of my grandfathers died from smoking related diseases, should I go around and punch every person who sells tobacco on the nose? My brother once ended up in A & E due to an alcohol related incident when he was 16, should I go and punch every publican / off-licence owner on the nose? Sorry KK but people need to take a bit more responsibility for their own actions, and those of their children. Banning substances does not work, how long will it be before people realise that? Just look at the so called war on drugs, which has cost untold billions with a result of what? That's right, more people using drugs than ever before. What a success story.


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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by kiwis kitten Tue 06 Jan 2009, 8:35 am

I see what u are saying Technophobe...and i understand..but i feel soo strongly about these drugs....and IMO they should be banned ..

I know its not gonna stop ppl getting hold of them..
but it might make some of these youngsters stop and think before trying them....coz right now with them being "legal" they see it as its ok to be taking them and they are easy to buy... they just don't know the damage they can do....

I also agree ppl /parents should take more responsibility..but sometimes when the children are with friends and see them doing any of these drugs (and i am talking about smoking and alcohol too) they will be more tempted to try it..its life...and we can't watch their every move....

I would of been to afraid to try anything when i was younger...my parents would of given me a good kick up the backside, and out of respect i never ever broke their rules...and i would like to think i've passed that on to my son too...he would fear me more then the police...lol but times change ...
think we will agree to disagree on this one....:)
kiwis kitten
kiwis kitten

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Fast Robert Tue 06 Jan 2009, 2:20 pm

I'm with technophobe.

If youngsters are getting it then it's oldsters that are supplying. Legality makes no difference if oldsters are irresponsible.

The 'war on drugs' is a cash cow, it pays for restricting human rights and it makes criminals more clever.

Get all drugs out of criminals' control and tax them to high heaven, use the revenue to pay for decent rehab.

When drugs are sold in licensed, sterile environments in little bottles, rather than your mates' mates house in 'cool paraphenalia' then the kids would soon not bother.

Addicts will always be addicts, the curious always curious. There are more heroin addicts now than there were in the 60s when it was legal.

Even the UK Gov's own advisory board class booze and fags worse than some other illegals.

Political hot potato, mind.

Now, where's that Ayahuasca?
Fast Robert
Fast Robert

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Mon 26 Jan 2009, 9:02 pm

Aya what?!?

Was intrigued, so had to look that one up!

http://www.answers.com/topic/ayahuasca defines Ayahuasca as: -

A hallucinogenic brew made from the bark and stems of a tropical South American vine of the genus Banisteriopsis, especially B. caapi, mixed with other psychotropic plants, used especially in shamanistic rituals by certain Amazonian Indian peoples.

[American Spanish, from Quechua, rope of the dead, narcotic : aya, corpse + huasca, rope.] :Steve1:

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by GD Mon 26 Jan 2009, 9:21 pm

From what I have been told today, that "Legal Highs" in Guernsey will no longer be imported.

Not sure if this has anything to do with customs or the law officers,

I am sure that all will be revealed..

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Mon 26 Jan 2009, 9:36 pm

GD wrote: Not sure if this has anything to do with customs or the law officers.

I would have thought that the Health & Social services people would have had an interest to drive this ahead!! What cost is there to 'Guernsey PLC' - in particular the PEH and Health services? :scratch:

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Fast Robert Tue 27 Jan 2009, 1:52 pm

Dell wrote:Aya what?!?

Was intrigued, so had to look that one up!

http://www.answers.com/topic/ayahuasca defines Ayahuasca as: -

A hallucinogenic brew made from the bark and stems of a tropical South American vine of the genus Banisteriopsis, especially B. caapi, mixed with other psychotropic plants, used especially in shamanistic rituals by certain Amazonian Indian peoples.

[American Spanish, from Quechua, rope of the dead, narcotic : aya, corpse + huasca, rope.] :Steve1:

Not for the faint hearted.

Nor is Salvia Divinorum, that I noticed Bits and Pieces were selling when I had a mosey a few months back.

I can't see how they can 'ban imports' on a lot of this stuff though. Surely they can only do it by 'brand' as they tend to have dozens of 'ingredients'. IMHO this 'legal' stuff is more harmful than cannabis. Smoke any of the Spice and the Spice-u-likes on booze and it hits hard and aggressive. It is as a direct consequence of ill thought out strategies in 'the war on drugs' that have led these entrepreneurs to tap into stuff they don't have much knowledge in.

Bans on recreationals are stupid and counter productive. Most drug deaths occur because of a basic lack of education or becasue of criminal tampering with the product to increase profits. Just like the Victorian 'lead oxide in flour' cases before food standards were legally introduced.

Meanwhile, back in the offy "I'll have a litre of whisky please and 20 B&H."

Adults supplying kids need serious punishment. They ruin it for everyone else.
Fast Robert
Fast Robert

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Sun 01 Feb 2009, 5:45 pm

If I understand what has been said, it is the importation of commercial quantities that will be made unlawful.

What about individuals buying for their own use from the internet? It seems that this will still be permitted and therefore lawful? Anyone know?

Number of posts : 4468
Location : Guernsey
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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by GD Tue 03 Mar 2009, 4:43 pm

Drugs advisers in Guernsey have seen eight people this year, including a 13-year-old worried about the effect of "legal highs".
The number attending clinics at charity Drug Concern is the same number as for the whole of 2008.
Some of the substances, which have been modified to circumvent current laws, have similar effects to class A drugs.
States officials say they are concerned about harm being caused by the drugs, but have been unable to ban them.
Shop closed
Herbal substances are smoked by some people as an alternative to cannabis.
Recorded side-effects of smoking the herbs include elevated heart rates and anxiety.
Jersey's authorities ruled last year that those substances were to be classified as medicines.
That meant it would be illegal to sell them in Jersey, leading to the closure of at least one shop in the island.
But Guernsey's laws do not allow officials to make that sort of ruling, meaning legal highs can still be bought and sold in the island.
Home Minister Geoff Mahy said his department was working very closely with the Health and Social Services Department on the issue (BBC NEWS)

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Thu 05 Mar 2009, 3:37 pm


Guernsey could follow Jersey in placing a ban on importing and marketing legal highs within the next few months…. Officials have been looking at what they can do to tackle problems linked with products like Spice. Dr Sarah Turnbull, Jersey's Deputy Medical Health Officer, was part of the team that worked on getting their medicine's law introduced. She discussed Guernsey's progress on similar legislation at a meeting earlier this week and it looks like we're just a few months away from seeing measures brought in. But the Drug and Alcohol Strategy team here isn't setting any dates saying they've faced some complications.

Article on Island FM today.

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by GD Tue 07 Apr 2009, 7:47 am

As from today the importation of legal highs are banned, and by the end of the month the selling of them will also be illegal...

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Spirit Tue 07 Apr 2009, 7:56 am

Which Island?

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Thistle Tue 07 Apr 2009, 7:57 am

Ban on legal highs
Guernsey is to ban the importation and exportation of legal highs.

But it's not intended to criminalise possession of the substances.

The move comes after an investigation by the Health and Social Services Department.

The products are often an unknown mixture of herbs and chemicals which are sold as legal alternatives to cannabis and other drugs.

Jersey made a similar move before Christmas (taken from channel online)

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by kiwis kitten Tue 07 Apr 2009, 9:15 am

Bloody good job too..... :MERRY:
kiwis kitten
kiwis kitten

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by karma Tue 07 Apr 2009, 10:18 am

What will I watch now - I spent many hours counting the cars that illegally park outside of my house to run in and get them....... Shocked

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by technophobe Tue 07 Apr 2009, 11:27 am

It will be very interesting to see how this new law is worded. I can't believe they'll be able to name every individual substance that makes up these legal highs, so how will it be termed?


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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by karma Tue 07 Apr 2009, 11:32 am

Love the speed - comes into force today according to Radio Guernsey!!!!

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Tue 07 Apr 2009, 8:04 pm

karma wrote:What will I watch now - I spent many hours counting the cars that illegally park outside of my house to run in and get them....... Shocked

So..... have you stopped selling them then?? geek

: pink lol :

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by karma Tue 07 Apr 2009, 8:07 pm

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm hoarding - you wait until they are totally illegal - I've stockpiled if you'd like some 8)

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Tue 07 Apr 2009, 8:32 pm

Ha ha, nothing would surprise me Karma! Wink

Hidden away in small brown paper bags? :)


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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by karma Wed 08 Apr 2009, 11:18 am

Definitely not!!!! I never mix my predilections 🇳🇴

Brown paper bags are sacresant and only to be used for the liquid addiction 8) allows them a certain 'je ne sais quoi' :-)

So when you pop in for an illegal 'puff' please be kind enough to bring your own bag 👅

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by Dell Wed 08 Apr 2009, 10:14 pm

"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Lol-016

Now, where did I put that paper bag? "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Brownbag

No, not that one......ah.... Yer tis........ "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Istockphoto_713453_beer_bottle_in_brown_bag

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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

Post by karma Wed 08 Apr 2009, 10:40 pm

Shame on you Dell you've been rifling around in my bin - I'll 'ave the Douzaine on to you my boy............ la!!!!

Number of posts : 16109
Location : Guernsey/Australia
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"Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE - Page 2 Empty Re: "Ban sale of legal highs" UPDATE

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